Saturday, March 13, 2010

SoCos:Ice Cream

Checked out this blog today and it made me realize that I completely missed Thursday. So, here goes nothing...

I love ice cream. Actually, I just finished a Skinny Cow. I would have rather had some Phish Food, but I am trying to be good since I have been training for the Memorial Marathon. Today was a great day for me. I ran with a few others and we did our longest milege yet. 16 miles! Yeah, I know I should be able to eat some Phish food, but my dang quads go into HGH mode and freak out on me. They get huge when I do any type of really powerful training. Basically I have to really train hard and eat Super Awesome to have thinner legs. Uggh...legs are not the topic I want to discuss right now. I would much rather go back to thinking about food. I think about how I get to eat Jelly Belly beans and hit a brick and Shot blocks and Gu while running. I know I need to replenish, but I sure love food. Sugary stuff too. I love the good stuff don't get me wrong, but...

This was should give it a shot!


Candice said...

I have the same type of legs as you. I used to run 6 miles a day at least 6 days a week and swim several miles a week...only then did I even have close to "skinny" legs. My stomach has always been great, but them ole thighs and booty really annoy me.

ComplyKated said...

Phish food is the best. But proud of you for sticking to it- I only run when someone is chasing me with a knife, which isn't often, but more props to you for 16 miles! Thanks for participating in SoCoS- stop by anytime.