These two crazies had a blast going to see How to Train Your Dragon in 3D on Saturday night while I hung out in an empty quiet house very excitedly trying to mentally prepare for the next day's planned and soon to be self-inflicted torture!
This guy thinks he is ready to be a "Big boy" and go on the big potty.
These next few pictures were taken after this conversation with Corban:
C: Hey, uh, Mom! Come look! I showed Hayden how to go in the big potty. And...well, he has poop in his...
Me: What?! Okay. (So much for relaxing after the Marathon and getting to play on FB all day)
C: Yeah! I showed him and I took his diaper off.
Me: That's great Corban, but you need to let Mommy do that! (As I turn the corner this cute guy starts waving his poopy at me while pointing to the potty and saying, "I go potty. Up."
Me: Hayden, don't move. Don't touch anything. (I ran into the kitchen grabbing for Clorox wipes, wipes and new diaper. Thankfully he stayed put!)
⏳2 Days Until We Begin!📖 ❄️ 💙
1 day ago
That's great when you can let your oldest train your youngest!
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