Friday, October 15, 2010

First time on LIVE TV!!!

Both ladies are really sweet and beautiful! I feel honored to get to be a part of what they do every day for just a short while! I have to say that I had no idea what to expect, but they have their work cut out for them. They put a ton of effort into their job to bring us the news every day! What a cool profession to be in!

People have been asking if I was nervous about doing this. The answer is, "YES!" I was nervous because I didn't know what to expect. I was on in the later part of the show and had plenty of time to fret about the worst things that could happen. At one point I had a very Lucuille Ball vision pop into my head in which I was reaching for items to put in the mixer and I totally whiffed and sent all the food sprawling across the news room floor and I start laughing hysterically. Or crying, depending upon which version you pick.

Thankfully, that did not happen and they only caught a glimpse of my "ugly smile." Yes, I have an "ugly smile" that I can feel come on as soon as someone says we have to smile and it has to look just right then and there. AHHH!!!

What does this look like? WEll, it is a half snarl, half quiver with a moment of, "I think I will throw up, break out into hives, or run away as fast as possible, but I know I can't."

Oh, the joys of being weirdly human.

Overall, my experience was great and gave me the same tickle in my gut like I use to get before my first basketball or soccer game of the season. I am thankful for this experience that God has given me and I look forward to see what happens next!!!


Wa Wa Waughs said...

what a beautiful trio!

Kayla said...

You did great! I can't help but think of Shweaty Balls on SNL though!!

Micah and Tara Hobbs said...

Great job! I missed it on Thursday, but glad you had a link so that I could see you be a rock star!!