Monday, May 5, 2008

Registration and Navigation for the 20 Minute Challenge!

Hey Everyone! I have sent you all an email with the 20 Minute Challenge Website on it. Please register. Please Skip the Girth Measurements until you are allowed login access. There are pictures with instructions on how to take your measurements. I will be away from the computer until after lunch, but as soon as I check my email and recieve your registration I will get your login access setup! Thank you for being patient as this is ALL new to me! I will allow for a few stragglers to sign up, just make them aware that they may not get as many points as those who have signed up by the deadline! Good luck to Everyone!


Nicole said...

I just got done with the measurements but my computer wouldnt open up the pics to show me exactly were to measure so i may have to try to ,easure again or jsut do it in the exact spot at the end.Needless to say they might not be exact:)

Michelle said...

How can you get back to enter the measurements, it won't let me go back to the page