Monday, March 2, 2009

You wanna trade me?!

Today is a great day! A walk in the park...whatever! Today royally stinks...being a consistant parent...being the parent that is ALWAYS the "bad guy"...exhausted, sick, and tired...dealing with a disobedient child...I know, Mom, I am getting what I deserve, RIGHT?! UNCLE already!


Emily said...

Last night we went to eat at Hideaway and Cason pooped in his pants and Kendall screamed the entire time we were there (when she wasn't busy shoving handfuls of ranch dressing in her mouth). I have never been so frustrated with my kids. I don't know how you do it with three!

Hang in there!! We're all in this together.

Summer said...

Yes, we are in this with ya, Babe. I am coming to M&M's tonight with or without strep...see you there,

Summer said...

Yes, we are in this with ya, Babe. I am coming to M&M's tonight with or without strep...see you there,

Rachel said...

Amen, sister. Amen.

Wa Wa Waughs said...

HANG IN THERE GIRL! My recommendation: in case you don't have it already, get a friend with kids similar ages and swap for a few hours a week! I was in a playgroup for years with 3 other moms and every Friday I got from 9a.m. to 1 p.m. off! (Except once a month when it was my turn to take all ten of the little darlings!) It really saved me!

Samantha said...

I'm so sorry, I wish that I could be there to help when you need a rest. I often struggle with just Daniel, I have no idea how I will cope with another baby as well. I know that it is hard however remember that you an amazing mum and your kids are amazing because of you (and Josh).