Thursday, April 16, 2009


R - Runs...I have had some really horrible runs lately. I have been trying to go longer distances when previously I was trying to work on decreasing my mile time by doing lots of interval sprints. However, I may struggle but never after the run is over have I regretted doing it! Today I visualized the fat shaking off of my inner thighs...positive thoughts during stitch in the side works wonders!

A - Apples...I have been enjoying golden delicious apples more than my beloved Gala's.

N - Naughty...I asked Joshua for an "N" word and this is what he gave me...I know cheating because it isn't my randomness...I am struggling to blog lately...too much beautiful weather calling my name.

D - Deal...When talking to Corban, we often use this phrase "HEre's the deal..." to explain the way things are going to go down. Funny how Landice is cool with whatever and Corban needs to who, what, when, where, why, & how long. Speaking of long, yesterday Corban "woke up" (as in laid quiely but didn't fall asleep) in his Cousin Andrew's bed for nap time. I found him with his hand in his "underwear pocket." He told Zina, "My PP hangs out of my underwear pocket." She thought he said "That's where babies come from." Oh dear...this is getting really out there...

O - When I think of the letter "O," I think of Octopus's and the fact that they have 8 legs. Then I think of how I like the #8 and I like the #8 only because aerobics music is set to an 8 count beat. Oh Yeah! I love my omlette my wonderful hubby just made me...3 egg whites, a little cheddar cheese, grape tomatoes and spinach...OH YEAH!

N - Can't think of anything for N so I will share this picture from Easter...I think I used all my randomly connected thoughts on my 3.5 mile run this morning...Ya'll have a good one!


Candice said...

Try doing aerobics to a 3 count beat (waltz). Now that would be random! You crack me up:)

Gena said...

Ooh. These are great random thoughts Elizabeth. I'm not worrying about time with my running.....just working on not dying. So far, I'm making it. Nice horse picture.

Kayla said...

All this running talk is making me depressed. Fine, I'll try working out today...

Wa Wa Waughs said...

You have body fat to shake off???