Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Last weekend, I went on a work related trip to Chicago. Since having my kid's I have had to try to get in my continuous education online or by our Oklahoma state conferences. I missed last year's conference and I had not attended one yet this year due to Corban's soccer schedule. So, I was two years behind and needed to catch up. To alleviate this problem I flew to Chicago by myself and actually traveled the "L" train system on my own. I was very proud of myself because I have NEVER traveled by myself and when we do travel I depend upon someone else to navigate. This was such a liberating experience. I met up with my friend, Anthony (he was in town on a work related conference too) and we went to a Chicago Cubs game. It was an incredible experience. He made sure I was on the train safely before we parted ways and I completed my journey back to my hotel by the O'Hare Airport.

My co-worker and friend, Rachel, was able to come on the trip too and flew in late that night.
We shared a hotel room and I enjoyed getting to know her better. It is refreshing to meet a
younger person who knows who she is and what she wants in life.

A couple of "firsts." I tried my first taste of Sushi at Shaw's Crab House. It was not bad, but I
didn't feel like it was so so good that I HAVE to have it again. And, I did NOT feel guilty about
being gone. It was so sweet to hear my babies tiny, little voices and my sweet husbands
proclaiming how much they missed me and wanted me home. But, I loved being able to do
something for Me. I love fitness and learning all that I can to make me a better trainer and this
was so rejuvenating for me. I am thankful for such a blessed and safe trip.


Wa Wa Waughs said...

Sweet! Glad you got to go!

Gena said...

Good for you Elizabeth. I haven't traveled in so many years by myself...I don't know if I would be able to do it again. Glad you had a good trip!

OK Chick said...

I am a huge fan of your two friends- Anthony and Rachel. I have Rachel to thank for my arm muscles. :)