Thursday, February 28, 2008

Do you believe? Jesus or Santa that's a tough one!

Today after a trip the park with Corban, we walked over to his Gigi and Tito's to say hi. As we were leaving, Corban pointed out Gigi's massive collection of Santa's that are a part of her decor all year around and he asked what they were doing. I replied with "Collecting dust." This brought a little chuckle and his Tito proceeded to ask Corban "Do you believe? Do you believe in Jesus?" Corban quickly replied, "No! I believe in Santa Claus!" My jaw is still on the floor...however, I must follow this with the fact that he doesn't request 3 songs (in this order with out fail...Jesus loves me, Blue Skies and rainbows, and Climb up the Mountain) referencing Santa at bedtime so I think we are in the clear. If not, then I will have to allow more tv time with the televangelists!


Gena said...

I guess you can blame the believing in Santa comment on Gigi. Now if there were Jesus figurines laying out all year round.....

Elizabeth Mullins said...

Ha! I think I would be a little weirded out by a house full of Jesus replica' took some getting use to the Santa as it is!