Monday, March 3, 2008

My nephew Daniel!

My brother Luke and his wife Samantha with my nephew Daniel arrived in Oklahoma Saturday night. We had a busy day that day. First, we listed our house to sell. Then we attempted naps for the kids but they didn't comply. So we went to Spring Sing late. BTW, this was Joshua's first one ever. He was very dissapointed in breaking his streak of NEVER going. The reason behind that I am not sure. Anyway, we then went from there to the airport, which the kids loved. My dad has some special priviledges in being a police officer was able to get us back to the gates to see our family get off of the plane. Corban and Landice thought it was cool to be so far off the ground and to see the planes have to get gas too. We then went to our traditional eating place when we pick Luke up fromt he airport. Cracker Barrel, which I have to say wasn't too bad. Maybe with being pregnant I like the home cooked comfort foods more. It is so good to see Luke and Samantha and especially Daniel. We had only seen him in pictures until now and they had not seen Landice in person either. It is crazy to think that it had been almost 16 months since we had seen them last.


Gena said...

Okay, cute pictures. But is that CHOCOLATE in the background of your blog? Gasp!......I guess we'll give you some slack since your a preg-o.

Elizabeth Mullins said...

I know...I know...but I actually haven't been craving any chocolate. I eat more when I am not pregnant. I have been craving breads, candy sweets, & beef.