Thursday, January 15, 2009

Hayden at 5 months

On Monday, Hayden turned 5 Months old. We took him in for 4 month appointment today. He weighed 18 lb. 10 oz. adn was 25" long. However, Dr. Stevens didn't think they stretched him out enough. He did comment on his thighs saying that he looked like a line backer. Made Momma proud! Hayden got his first tooth yesterday and is rolling all around now. We actually had to fix the buckle on the swing because we found him swinging with his backed arched and feet almost touching the ground. Hayden is such a happy baby. He took his shots today with only a smallest cry and easily rewarded the nurse with his precious smile. I think it has finally hit me that this is the last of all the firsts as far as babies are concerned. Once Hayden hits his milestones there are no more to be concerned with. I know I should be thankful for this and I am. It is just very bittersweet to know that my babies are growing so quickly. I look forward to all the fun we will have together Lord willing, but I am trying so hard not to forget these days...all of them...the good, the bad and the poopy, snotty, grouchy, happy, smiley, lovey, sleepy...I really could go on and on. Here are so pics of my youngest cutie...


Candice said...

I love the laying down pic. Look at that hair! I can't believe it hasn't sat down yet! He's too cute!