Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thursdays Teeniny Tomatoes & Tenni's and Other Thoughtful Topics

Checked this book out at the library...will let you know what I think soon.

Spending the day with this handsome fella was amazing. I think I will take a different kid out each month and just spend the day with them. He loved it...I loved it. Louses you are proving to be a blessing somehow.

If you can identify this object, I will take you out to Starbucks and tell you all about how this object is really only good for catching popcorn. When I get the tinsiest bit depressed about it I just tell Joshua that at least it will catch more popcorn than any other users would!

When life gives you home grown teeniny tomatoes you make some of this:

God's love is everywhere...even on the outdoor socket. I don't know about you but that's really "Electrifying!"Insert the John Tra.volt.a Grease squeal, dimple, and black leather pants and you got it.

These precious Teeniny Tenni's made me stop and realize how much my kids have grown so quickly.

So, maybe I have a gift or just like to hook people up on dates, but let me tell ya these two Bisselled and Hoovered and to be quit honest, got me all hot and bothered yesterday. Now, that our love triangle is complete I think I shall break them up!


Mariah said...

That is a bra!! Starbucks here is come!! J/K you don't have to take me out!! Mine would not catch much popcorn and I am kinda sad about it!!

Emily said...

Thems boobie cups.

Natalie Hudkins said...

Knee pads? Shoulder pads? Ah, ovet the shoulder boulder holders. (Or pebbles in my case.)

Kelli said...

I love the picture of the shoes lined cute!

Heidi said...

Ha, only Elizabeth would think to take a picture of a sling shot and put it on her blog! :0)

rebeckaoneal said...

its a victoria secert bra... ( i think i had one that did that very same thing!!!)I would like you to take me to Starbucks!!! but maybe you could come to Florida??? and can I bring a friend (Tara) then you would have a travel companion too!!!

Elizabeth Mullins said...

Rebecka, you got it correct. The darn thing just snapped.
Heidi, Natalie, & Emily - you gals crack me up...actually Emily, Joshua laughed at yours too.
Heidi - more like a pee shooter:)!
I think we will have to make a SB date for us bloggers to catch up! Or maybe I could have ya'll over...oooohhhh that would be fun!

Wa Wa Waughs said...

so I'm guess I'm a little late to win Starbucks...shoot! So tell me more about that looks tasty! But I never would thought of putting tomatoes and potatoes together!

Gena said...

Whatever that thing is I can assure you it's bigger than mine. ;)

Candice said...

Yikes on the lice! Seriously, you need to read that real moms book I commented about on an earlier post. It is full of stuff about judging other parents, being perfect, etc...pretty much everything every mom struggles with. Miss you! I see the bra cups and is it a Maidenform? Do I get long distance starbucks if I guess the brand correctly?

Elizabeth Mullins said...

Robin, Here is my recipe: Cut up potatoes, Throw in teeniny tomatoes, chop some fresh basil from neighbors flower bed, cracked pepper, salt, olive oil, and top with Mozerrella cheese. Bake at 400 for 20-30 minutes...ours were a little crunchy because I was short on time!