Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuesday's Troubles - I got jumped 3 times today!

Showered. Brushed teeth. Made kids lunches. Cleaned up from breakfast(thank you honey for getting kids dressed, fed, toothbrushes readily pasted for a good morning brushing, AND for taking the trash out....ALL of it! Wow! Mega impressed!) Folded a load of laundry, started a new one...never ending in this house. Ate a bite of breakfast myself. Bible Study. Put kids bags in car. Buckled kids in car. Tried to shut van door...didn't work. Tried again manually...that always works:)! Hopped in driver's seat, put keys in ignition, tried to start the car...nothing...dead. Oh but wait, there's a clicking sound. Called Tara again, just missed her. Called Joshua, then called FIL. FIL came to my rescue in his cool Corvette. We tried jumping my car with our junker that is taking up space. No luck. We tried jumping it with the Corvette. No luck. No I am officially late to taking the kids to Day SChool thus will also make me late to work AGAIN! I HATE being late...if you want to really stress me out, then make me late for work. Anyways, finally decided to remove "LaVette's" (that's what I am calling his car now!) battery and plop it in my mini-mover. Drive FIL to his neighborhood, pull a "Hot & Ready Pizza" Commercial move by dropping him off on the side of the road for him to walk back to his house. This is really my way of making sure people get in some extra exercise! Thankfully, MIL was subbing at Day SChool and she picked kids up at front door to drop kids off at their classes. I arrive at the gym 20 minutes late to another very gracious client. Trained for an hour. Drove to "Waly-Heart" (Corban's new name for it). Picked up new battery. Paid extra "CORE" payment because I didn't have the old battery with me to trade in. Will have to go back later for a $9 refund. Drove to FIL's to change out batteries. Folks this is all before 12:30pm. Seriously, I predict we will get HINI or whatever this new flu is called & my face will break out. Oh wait, my face already did that. I look forward to what tomorrow has in store for me.


Summer said...

yes, you will get h1n1 anyday now. sorry.

Kelli said...

I hope your day slowed down a little!

Wa Wa Waughs said...

you are so blessed to have neighbors to help you out! (positive vibes...)

Newberry said...

If it makes you feel any better Jonathan's car wouldn't start the other day either, and it also wouldn't jump start. Cars are definitely no fun to deal with!

Wa Wa Waughs said...

Totally unrelated....You did a wonderful job in the Wed. night class!!!! Your faith in God is amazing, considering your upbringing! Praise God things are going better for you now!