Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ain't gonna ruin my day!

Dawn of a great day
Started with work
Now it's off to play, and
ol' man Satan ain't gonna ruin my day

Lunch time is here
Gotta get those babies fed
Eatin' on the patio definitely got a cheer, and
ol' man Satan ain't gonna ruin my day

A stroll through the neighborhood
On such a beautiful day
Sun is out making us happy, just like it should
ol' man Satan ain't gonna ruin my day

Cherishing adventures along our walk
One in the wagon while the other two ride their bikes,
Suddenly one gets tired and starts to squawk, but
ol' man satan ain't gonna ruin my day

Trying to stay chipper
But, the whining is really starting to grate
I gently encourage when I really just want to whip her, and
ol' man Satan ain't gonna ruin my day

Before to long the other one joins in
He falls off his bike and starts complaining
My mood has gone sour, I can't even grin
ol' man Satan ain't gonna ruin my day

We are getting close to the end of our trip
if we can just all hold it together
but, oh wait, the third one is starting to hit
dang you ol' man Satan, you ain't gonna ruin my day

I am desperate for naptime
Drinks, potty time, & diaper changes
Two are obedient, and the third, well, is the cause for this rhyme.
ol man Satan ain't gonna ruin my day

Here I am blogging trying to keep ugly thoughts at bay
Thoughs like, "How did this happen?"
Or "Why do I feel like a failure today?
ol man Satan ain't gonna ruin my day.

I immediately realize I need to stop and pray
I am only human
Lord, just help me be the best Mommy I can, just get me through this day
Cause' ol man Satan ain't gonna ruin my day.

I know I am not the only Mother
That gets overwhelmed with her duties
so I am writing this poem to tell her to run for God's cover
And don't let ol' man Satan ruin YOUR day.


Samantha said...

I love you and your little poems. I think that I need to copy this and frame it so that when my kids are whining and crying I can read it and know I am not the only mummy going through this. Thanks for putting a smile on my face.

Wa Wa Waughs said...

That's awesome...someday you'll look back over that and wonder at how those things got to you! Great to be inside your head!

Kayla said...

I'm terrible at writing poems. They end up being very 3rd graderish! I need to get better because that would sure make journaling in my scrapbook more interesting! That is, the scrapbook I am 2 years behind on!!

Lisa said...

Very well said! You are a great poet, and what a great way to express many of a fellow SAHM typical day! Love you girl!