Tuesday, July 27, 2010

How do you want to be remembered?

I guess I have had this thought in the back of my mind lately due to several of my friend's losing loved ones suddenly and unexpectedly. I guess since losing my brother to a tragic death I will always be thinking about how short life really is. With that said, this post is not a sad post. It is actually a post to encourage every woman out there no matter what age to think about what kind of legacy they want to leave.

I know it is easy to try to measure things from a worldly standard and think that we can live life how we see fit. However, I was searching from my index for scriptures on marriage. More specifically the reason why I was looking for a specific type of scripture is because I just started a journal in which I am wanting to write down all the things I want Joshua to know is from my heart. If anything were to happen he would have these words and could never doubt something that was said. The journal is also a blessing for me because I get to search in God's word to find scripture to support how I feel and thus a reminder of where to turn for all of our comfort in life.

Now, you have probably thought of a few things on the topic of how you want to be remembered. Probably a common list would entail: loving, kind, patient, helpful...etc. I, too, would like for these to be on my list as well, but as I read in Proverbs 13:10-31 I found a much more detailed list and was inspired to want to be remembered like this:

Virtuous, Capable, More precious that Rubies, Trustworthy, Enriches life, Brings good, not harm, Stays busy, Brings food from afar, Gets up before dawn(ha!), Plans the days work, does inspections (land specifically in scripture), Purchases(again, land in scripture, but I like to think of all the shopping we do for our household too), Plants a vineyard (seeds we sow in our children is how I like to think of it), Energetic & Strong, Hard worker, Dealings are profitable(I think that this also means in her relationships), Lamp burns late at night(easy for me!), Hands are busy, Extends a helping hand, Open arms to the needy, Has no fear of winter for her family will be clothed, Makes her own clothes & bedding, etc., Has a well known husband, She makes garments to be sold to merchants, Clothed in Strength & Dignity, Laughs without Fear of the future, words that are spoken are wise, Instruction given in kindness, Watches everything in her household, Suffers nothing from Laziness, Her children bless her,Her husband Praises her, She fears the Lord!

I don't know about you but that woman is who I aspire to be! God gives us all talents and blesses us daily! I hope you found this woman to be an inspiration to you and you everyday life to continue to work hard using your talents & blessings for God, your husband, and your children! Blessings on your day!


The Lj's said...

Thank you for sharing! That scripture is a great reminder of the kind of woman we all need to aspire to be!


Wa Wa Waughs said...

Wonderful thoughts from a beautiful young mother wise beyond her years! I used to want to leave behind some kind of beautiful craft or art that I was known for, like my Grandmommie. And maybe there will be some special thing like that...don't know what it would be yet. Now I hope that I will be remembered as a faithful Christian wife, mother, and friend.

Heidi said...

That is one of my favorit scriptures. I to hope to shine like that especially for my Todd. :)

Kayla said...

Great post! Except I do not aspire to wake up anywhere close to dawn!!!

Gena said...

I love your wisdom, Elizabeth. It really makes you think what seeds you are planting in others' lives and in the lives of your own family. Thank you for this post!